Christians, Wiccians, Witchcraft...Is Satan real?

For six years I practiced witchcraft, Wicca, New age, Buddhism and Eastern religion. I followed gurus, meditated into oblivion, cast spells, astral projected and acted as a psychic. At the time I was on a journey for truth. I collected books and materials on all the above named subjects and studied diligently.

I considered myself a witch who practiced the occult. Now when we hear that word, occult, we think about black masses, sacrifices and all the gory stuff. Occult simply means, “hidden things.” I was not one who was into the black masses or human sacrifices; I was referred to as “a renegade witch.” I wanted the power it promised and I wanted to put it into action in my life. After years of searching and study I was sure I had found it.

Anyway, back to my point... And by the way, I do have one.

After intense study and having visited places that I was sure would enhance the power (that I was experiencing) and having been taught by a group of specialists in the field, I had come to one of my “peaks.” I refer to them as peaks, because it was the time that I put into practice what I had learned during my apprentice stage.

By the way, I am aware of the vow that is taken in the “Wicca” ritual. The one that is uttered in the indoctrination, “I will do harm to no one.” and how the magic is non-harming and consensual and only for good. Makes for a great creed, but is it true?

Some of the best people I know who are good and kind will do harm to others. So what makes us believe that those who are involved with this type of power will not use it to harm?

Oh well, moving’ right along….

The term Neo-pagan includes all faith groups which can include Druidism or even Asatru. As a Wiccan one prefers to be referred to as a “pagan.” Satan is considered an anti-Christian god. He is exempt from the practice of witchcraft and Wicca, so they say.

I worshipped Diana, goddess of the Greeks. My masculine god was Pan, (ya know, that half man half horse that you see in mythology?) I followed the female and male gods, considering them to have accomplished their goals through their power of deity. Some that practice paganism profess that they are atheist and still others worship the created things, (air, moon and stars). It can become very complicated. The practitioner has his or her choice in whom and what they believe.

When practicing the above, I was relentless to prove to all the “Christians” that I was not an evil pagan and that what I practiced was not demonic but in fact a pure gift that was bestowed on me through my apprenticeship and faithfulness to my belief. Does that make any sense, probably not, because it all just seems to go round and round?

However, when we choose to believe in something, we give it our all and we will protect it with a vengeance, rather it is right or wrong.

The question that I was left with after obtaining this power was, what am I to do with it? And will it ultimately cost me something somewhere down the road?

Another question that crept into my mind was this, what if suddenly one day I am faced with dying? (And we all get there soon enough) Will my faith in Diana (the Greek goddess of fertility and the moon) or Pan, (the god of the woods, as he is referred to) or the moon, the stars the constellations, the round and round of the “circle of life, my karma, or whatever the ancient books told me in their NOT SO SECURE teachings, will all that be enough? Let’s face it a lot of us go though life thinking we will live forever so why not just live for today? But when death looks us in the face, we certainly see things differently. Death is a solo flight; we don’t get to take anyone with us. Death is a journey that each living human being takes “by him or herself!” We face death alone, and in the moment of transition or departure I am sure that we all wonder were we are going.

Just recently a terrible storm tore though four counties leaving a path of devastation and death behind. It broke my heart to see people searching through rubble for loved ones and lost possessions. Many of these precious people were interviewed; they spoke about the storm, the sound of it and the fear that you experience when you think that these may be your last moments on this earth.

When asked what they did in the midst of their fear as they faced the possibility of death, the answer was almost always the same, “they prayed!”

There are two points that I wish to address in this REAL DEAL, and I am sure that there are those that will disagree. But we can agree to disagree, right? Right!

First point: the “Satan thing.” I know that pagans or the majority of them (as I once practiced and believed myself) feel that Christians have an anti-Christian deity referred to as Satan. The popular opinion is that Christian are always accusing “pagans or witches” of being in league with Satan and claiming that the whole pagan religion is backed by Satan. The pagan or Wiccan is insulted and constantly trying to debunk the assault. The Wiccan’s are against the Christian and visa versa.

I am not always proud of the way that some Christians go about arguing their case. I know that God is a God of love and one needn’t force their ideas on another. However, the Christian is getting his information from the bible and it does in fact teach against divination, necromancy, magic and witchcraft. This being so, the Christian feels it is their duty to inform the one practicing such things. Still, I feel that it is important that we don’t try to shove our information in someone’s face, but to inform with kindness and love. Then let each one make ones own choice.

Let me address something here, having been practiced witchcraft. I never believed that I was serving Satan, never!!! I knew there were things that were questionable having been raised a Catholic for many years. Still, I believed I had a gift and it was from God. As I went deeper into the teachings and practiced the magic and physic power, I began to grow in the “knowledge” and learn to communicate with the “spirit realm” and allow those whom I believed were departed spirits of loved ones or ancient spirits to teach me the ancient secrets.

The “power” that I was experiencing, came with a price.. PEOPLE, EVERYTHING COMES WITH A PRICE….. EVERYTHING!

One day I began asking my self a lot of questions. I began to think about eternity and the fact that I would eventually be facing it. I thought about what I had done in this life and the people that I had injured and used.

The whole karma thing began to look bleak and empty, as for reincarnation; I had little interest in returning to this world as a bird or lady bug?

“Nirvana” seemed unattainable and meditation returned me to the same thoughts and lost feelings. I felt a need to find more stability concerning eternity. What I had been taught about sin was that “it was all karma, just karma man!” I would get another chance to come back to the earth through soul migration and have another shot at it, to discover that I am indeed divine. This might take several life and death experiences, but what the heck, I had eternity right? And what about the so called devil, was he indeed here to torment and confuse just Christians? Was I, as a practicing “pagan” (who had doubts about his authenticity) exempt from his attacks?

This is a lot of territory to cover I told myself. Diana, my female goddess wasn’t doing me a whole heck of a lot of good. And so if I changed goddesses or became an atheist would that make me feel better? Look people, were talking eternity here.

To tell you the truth, some of the moral teachings that Christians believed, well, that didn’t exactly float my boat. Still something inside me felt empty and void. All the power and the ability that had been bestowed on me left me cold and in question. I began to see clearly that this so called Satan was indeed after my life and wanted to destroy me even if I was serving him (and not aware of it) I began to tumble into an abyss of unanswered questions and confusion. I came to realize that this “pagan religion” had no future to offer its followers. The whole pagan thing seemed a “live for today,” As for sin; there was no need to clear it up in ones life. No salvation, no sacrifice just live and let live.

I began to look for a way out of this “paganism” that I had embraced for so long and believed to be true. It was during this time I began to become acutely aware of this so called “Satan.” He made himself very real to me. The power that was so available to me now seemed to have a price tag on it. I realized that I was duped into believing that this pagan practice was the real thing. Man, was I ever deceived!

I had encounters with this evil entity “Satan” and found that the only way to keep him at bay in my life and his efforts to harm me was through the “Blood of Jesus Christ!

But not so fast, I had a lot of things to find out about Christianity before I made a decision to serve Jesus Christ instead of the “other gods.”

I learned of His undying love through the sacrifice of His own Blood to set me free from my sins and the guilt and shame of them.

I learned of The One True God’s eternal plan for man kind and how He personally rescued the human race from eternal death and damnation.

I leaned about His power, not spells, magic or incantations, but Holy powers that could and would change lives and heal hearts and bodies. This was truly the answer that I was looking for.

I had learned much about blood in my witchcraft days, but now it was about the Blood of the Son of God, Jesus Christ.

I was elated when the truth of His power began to work its power in me. I was full of joy and gratefulness for what I learned He had done in regards to the sin problem. I was over whelmed and relieved to learn that I didn’t have to come back to the earth repeatedly through reincarnation!

I entered the pagan belief because I wanted power and acceptance. I wanted people to be in awe of me. I wanted to feel good about me and belong to something that was intriguing. I was a good student of it all and when I arrived I was more lost and empty then when I started out.

Okay, one might say, “well, that’s you Carol, I don’t believe that “pagan beliefs” are connected to Satan. Okay, that’s cool, that is your opinion and belief, and you have every right to believe whatever you choose. But please, ask yourself the questions,

“Where will I spend eternity?

Is this pagan belief system enough to carry me through the eventual eternity that we all enter into?

Is this the truth?

Is my faith in the gods and goddesses going to get me through? Are they really out for my good?

Is Satan just a Christian thing, could I be his target as well?

Is God for me and willing to show me the truth?

Closing comments……






Michele P said...

I was a practicing Wiccan/Druid for almost 23 years. Thank God for my Christian mother and her prayers. Just like you, I took the vow of "AN it harm non". I always felt the call of God in a way. But my hard heart just kept believing in my Goddesses. Then I flat lined in the recovery room after a major surgery during an illness that almost killed me. I remember total darkness, and this screaming and screeching that was inhuman but human at the same time. I was terrified and trying to grab something as I felt myself moving somewhere. But I had nothing to grab. I just knew I did not want to be there. Praise God the next thing I knew, the nurses were franticly calling me. One pulling the intubation tube out of my throat with the respiration ball at the end while the other was pounding on my chest. They were doing CPR on me. Then I heard them saying my "Michele, Michele", "Good Girl, here she comes, here she comes, thank God!"
God gave me one last chance. He sent me to hell to show me how wrong my paganism was, and that only HE is the ONLY LIVING GOD!!! I was praying and begging for forgiveness that very hour.
I have since made the Lord Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior. I am filled with the Holy Spirit.
I came home from the hospital, full of stitches with strict orders to rest. But I did not care, everything witch craft was out of my house, because we cannot serve 2 masters. And God is now my master! I hope a Wiccan/Druid may read this, and know Christ is the Messiah. They do believe in "The Christ". But not as our Messiah.
Many are not as lucky as I. God gave me a taste of eternity of total separation from him. It cannot be described with human words. But now I walk in faith, and fill myself with the word. My house has been anointed, and given to God, it is the house where the Holy Spirit lives. It is swept clean, but never empty. Praise God and his only Son Jesus Chris who shed his blood and bore our sins on the cross for us. And for sending us the Holy Spirit. From Now on, the Holy Spirit is the only Spirit allowed and welcome in my home!! My dog even loves to cuddle up when we read the bible and praise God.:-)

Michele P said...

I was a practicing Wiccan/Druid for almost 23 years. Thank God for my Christian mother and her prayers. Just like you, I took the vow of "AN it harm non". I always felt the call of God in a way. But my hard heart just kept believing in my Goddesses. Then I flat lined in the recovery room after a major surgery during an illness that almost killed me. I remember total darkness, and this screaming and screeching that was inhuman but human at the same time. I was terrified and trying to grab something as I felt myself moving somewhere. But I had nothing to grab. I just knew I did not want to be there. Praise God the next thing I knew, the nurses were franticly calling me. One pulling the intubation tube out of my throat with the respiration ball at the end while the other was pounding on my chest. They were doing CPR on me. Then I heard them saying my "Michele, Michele", "Good Girl, here she comes, here she comes, thank God!"
God gave me one last chance. He sent me to hell to show me how wrong my paganism was, and that only HE is the ONLY LIVING GOD!!! I was praying and begging for forgiveness that very hour.
I have since made the Lord Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior. I am filled with the Holy Spirit.
I came home from the hospital, full of stitches with strict orders to rest. But I did not care, everything witchcraft was out of my house, because we cannot serve 2 masters. And God is now my master! I hope a Wiccan/Druid may read this, and know Christ is the Messiah. They do believe in "The Christ". But not as our Messiah.
Many are not as lucky as I. God gave me a taste of eternity of total separation from him. It cannot be described with human words. But now I walk in faith, and fill myself with the word. My house has been anointed, and given to God, it is the house where the Holy Spirit lives. It is swept clean, but never empty. Praise God and his only Son Jesus Chris who shed his blood and bore our sins on the cross for us. And for sending us the Holy Spirit. From Now on, the Holy Spirit is the only Spirit allowed and welcome in my home!! My dog even loves to cuddle up when we read the bible and praise God.:-)