"Twilight" the movie. Are christians really watching and reading this? No way!

I was ministering in a city in New York some time back. at the end of the service i was approached by a young man about twenty years old.
"Do you believe in vampires," he asked me, his eyes staring directly into mine?
"Yes, I do," I answered matter of factly.
"really," he responded.
"really!" I reinerated.
I proceeded to tell him about a girl that I know in Colorado who has been drinking her own blood for quite some time. she takes it out of her body by way of a syringe.
If she does not have it daily, she turns blue. His face reflected interest, I sensed he was wondering if I was telling the truth. Why would I lie? duh!
Anyway, I proceeded to tell him about another guy that i knew, that would ring the blood out raw meat and drink it. He laughed. So did I.
"So, then you know a few vampires?. "Yes, as a matter of fact i do," I answered.

And, what do you think of them," he inquired?
"Personally, i think their nuts!" I said, smiling politely.
He stepped back and looked me up and down. "why do you feel that way because you are a minister?"
"I am a christian first. but I was once a witch and believed in alot of things, vampirism being one of them. But now I am a christian who believes in the Blood of Jesus Christ and the power of it. He poured His Blood out on a cross after He was badly beaten. That Blood saved me from a life of sin and eventual death."

The young man snickered. "let me get this straight," I said to him, "you snicker at the Living Blood of Jesus and my faith in it, but you think vampires who drink blood are cool? Let me ask you something, don't you find it goolish to be biting peoples necks and sucking blood out?"
"that depends," he said quickly.

Listen, Christians who are being entertained by "vampires, blood drinking and evil behavior, need to ask themselves a rather important question. Is this "exceptable" to the Holy Spirit that lives in them that is called "holy?"
Blood drinking love stories are not suppose to be "appealing" to the children of God, for whom Son Jesus poured out His precious Blood.
Is it okay to be entertained by blood drinking gools. even if they are "cute sexy and romantic" (sic)I THINK NOT!
To think that we celebrate Jesus and His holiness on sunday then we are reading and watching a "replusive" movie about people drinking blood.
kind of bazaar, don't ya think?.. well thats my take on it and I'm sticking to it!


Unknown said...

Carol, I love your straight forward approach on the topics you write about. You are right on!!

Janeil said...

Carol, I go to a Catholic high school (in Canada), and it is Halloween time tight now and in the library they have the Twilight series on display, they have a bunch of vampire books, and wiccan books (one is called Wiccan for Dummies) and I cannot believe that this is a Catholic High School and they have this stuff! I thought that they would not have it here! What do you think?

heytheremel said...

Very true!

Mike the Messenger said...

WAKE UP CHURCH!!! Do not support Hollywood. I thank Jesus for you, Carol. Judgement starts in the House Of God!!!!

jess279 said...

I totally agree

Unknown said...

Also, in 100% agreement with everything you noted on the vampires and the Blood of Christ!My mom investigated the occult as a detective, this stuff is real!May our youth and the body of Christ wake up REALLY quickly!

Mike A said...

This is nothing but an open door for unclean spirits to enter through. When you open the door its open to as many spirits that want to come in will come in. People need to be taught about the open doors and how to shut them. Preach on Carol.

Anonymous said...

I used to like "Twilight" the movie coz I thought it was romantic. Then one time I was watching it again in my computer and my mom asked me what I was watching. I said to her "I'm watching Twilight again." I got in trouble because I did not know I was not allowed to watch vampires. Anyway, she never allowed me to watch scary movies coz I myself get scared easily even my own shadow. But I never read the books. Until then, I never again watch the Twilight.