Let's storm heaven with prayer for the miracles we need! Send me your prayer need and I will pray, FERVENTLY!

I posted on Facebook a request for all those who were in need of a miracle. I told them that I would seek God for them in fervent prayer. The response was overwhelming.

I began praying and speaking the name of each person who wrote to me and I interceded on their behalf. I prayed all day and into the night.

A strong spirit of intercession fell on me and I was consumed with crying out to God for his people.

The various needs for miracles were outstanding. Cancer, sickness, dying loved ones.
There were some who were suffering in their bodies, pain, drug addiction and dependence.
Others had recieved "bad reports" of tumors in the brain, thyroid, breast etc.

Some sought God's touch for a miracle in their family, finances and children.
There was numerous miracles needed for a job or job loss.

Sadly some had lost their faith or walked away from God. Others were weary and stopped praying and some quit going to church.

Broken lives, broken hearts, broken marriages... and the list goes on.

I was especially moved by the many sick children. So young, suffering with illness.

At times I could not stop weeping from compassion and pity. I was consumed with prayer. All day long I sought the King of Kings. I kept it up late into the night.

I prayed for the needs of the Body of Christ. When the sun came up, I could not stop the tears and the intercessions continued. More prayer requests poured in.

Then suddenly, the reports of miracles and answered prayer came in. I shouted with joy.

I was remindedm that I was once a drug addict, physically, emotionally and sexually abused.
I had abortions and sinned in the worst way.

I was a practicing witch and demon possessed. I was suicidal and put in a mental institution.

I was an outcast, a violent person, full of hate and bitterness.
When I had recieved a report that my liver was failing and I was dying, I was glad! Death opened it's door and in my demented mental state I saw it as an escape.

Then one day, a woman began to pray for me... She was tenacious! She refused to let go of God concerning me.

And her prayers turned my life around.

Dear friend,I believe in prayer and I believe in miracles! God is able.

I am a living witness that He is willing to perform a miracle even on the worst of all sinners.
I will pray for you.

Send me your needs. I will love you and pray for u just like Linda Smith prayed for me...

Then you too will see your MIRACLE!