Question, is the church influencing the world, or is the world influencing the church?

Lately, I have been struck with realization that "the world" and it's ways, are starting to creep into the church.

Please understand that I am just sharing my views, thoughts and "concerns!"

I have been a christian speaker for over 20 years. I have traveled to different parts of the world speaking, I have been heard and seen on global radio and television-and while that doesn't make me an expert on "anything," it certainly validates that I come in contact with a tremendous amount of people and see alot.

Now, I want to began by making something clear, crystal clear-I am not some christian fanatic who is here to judge or condemn anyone.
I am simply writing it as I see it.
You, my dear reader are free to decide for yourself!

First of all, what does the bible mean when it uses the term "the world?"
Well, as Christian's we know that the world system is corrupt.
If it were not, there would be no need for Jesus to deliver us from it.

So "the world" and the ways of "the world" are, fleshy, prideful, idolatry, lustful, lovers of money, greedy etc........

If you would like to get a deeper definition of "the world" as the bible teaches, then visit John's or James letters, Jesus words or Paul's descriptions.

The "church" is the Body of Christ on the earth.
We are in the world, but not of it-that's the Word of God.
He said it.

So when we are born again, we are not of "the world" or it's ways.
We are, in fact, called to be separate and holy to the Lord-
Don't hear much teaching on that anymore. I guess people are afraid they will "offend?"
Quite often, Truth does offend!

Here's the thing-

Have you noticed the "suggestive" clothing that some are wearing to services?
Now, let me again make myself clear, so that I don't get a tomato tossed at me over this.

I love fashion, love cool clothes, love the latest styles, love to shop and buy nice clothes-I try to have some style and taste, fashion wise, when I speak publicly.
And, I dress modern, who doesn't.
We are Christians not prude's.

But, what I'm getting at is exposed cleavages-
short dresses and skirts,
tight muscle shirts,
blue jeans that look glued on.
Isn't that the way Hollywood dresses?
The tighter, the shorter, the lower, the better.!
A competitive society where men and women are "body conscience?"
Are we the children of God falling into that same trap?

Let me ask you a fair question,
"Is the church considered the house of God?"
"Is it appropriate to be exposing body parts, when the people of God have gathered together to worship Him?

Check this out.

A man was visiting a church for the first time. After the service, he mentioned how he couldn't' help but notice the women's breasts and legs, because of the revealing outfits they were wearing.
Immediately he was scolded for looking at them!
He replied, "NO, women shouldn't dress like that in what you consider your "Church!"
Don't you think it takes the attention away from God?
Women know when they look sexy and alluring. And frankly, they should know better then to show up at church dressed like that! Don't blame me, I am only human and it is my first time at your church!"

We can argue that all day long... but ya know what? the dude was right-period, paragraph!

Paul wrote to the church about "not wanting to be the one to make some one stumble and sin over simply eating meat sacrificed to idols. He could have said, "hey if they eat it, that's not my problem." But he was more concerned about being a "stumbling block." Shouldn't we do the same?

Doesn't the Word of God, (the manual by which we are to live,) instruct us on how to dress and conduct ourselves?

The mother of a teen was struggling with her daughter. She was trying to make her see that the clothes she was wearing to school and church was revealing and suggestive.
Finally just when mom thought she had made some progress, they attended church service.
The preacher (a lady pastor) came out on the stage wearing ... tights, that were ... ahh tight! Her blouse was very sexy and she had on a pair of stiletto heels. She could barely walk and almost tripped on the heels.
The young daughter tapped her mother on the shoulder, "I don't know why you are on me about my clothes, look what she has on, and she's the pastor."
Case closed.

Hey, I am not implying that looking cute and provocative for your hubby is wrong.
I am not saying that going to the mall dressed comfy and stylish is inappropriate.
Nor am I saying that wearing blue jeans and casual clothes to church instead of suits is wrong. Hardly.

But is it such a big sacrifice for us to dress "discreetly when in the House of God-

I know that this kind of discussion can be tuff and challenging. However, I wanted to be honest and open and put it out there.
I hope you can see my heart on this subject.
It is simply.. "He (God) is holy, and we are called to be....................holy-especially in this day and hour.

P.S. on the subject mentioned above.....
We certainly understand when someone is unaware of the "proper way to dress" when they are unsaved or new in the Lord. We don't want to offend them. However for those of us who know that our attire is revealing, inappropriate and seductive..... that's another story.

I will be continuing to blog on the subject of, "The World influencing the Church.
I hope u will come back and leave a comment.

Love to u all...