The truth about Halloween

Halloween. A nice innocent holiday celebrated by the masses? I don’t think so! Everything about the holiday is death and darkness.

I practiced witchcraft for six years. I can personally tell you that the night of October 31st was one of the highest celebrated of the year. It is the night of “Samhein the god of the dead.” It is believed that on this night, Diana the goddess of fertility goes to sleep and the grim reaper, Samhein would wake. He would summon the spirits of the nether world to come up and torment the farmers and the peasants that lived in Britain at the time.

The Druids, a blood drinking priesthood would dress up in ghoulish costumes and roam the countryside threatening the villagers that, if they did not produce a virgin by midnight of the 31st they would cause havoc, the cows would not give their milk and the fields would not produce their crops. (Hence, the costumes and the mantra “trick or treat” that our children utter as they collect their candies) That night a carved squash would be placed on the front porch of the victim’s home with a piece of human fat burning inside. That’s where we get our carved pumpkins. A hexagram would be placed on the front door in blood. During the night there would be fear in the hearts of the farmers.

It is believed by those who practice witchcraft that, on Halloween night the veil between the living and the dead is thinner so spirit travel and necromancy, (communication with the dead) is practiced hardily. Bone fires, (what we refer to as bonfires) were also big. Humans would be burnt alive in wicker baskets offered to the god of the dead. Apple dunking was considered divination. Skeletons, black spiders, bats, ghosts, spirits, death and horror are all part of the celebration of the “Night of Death!”

In modern times the holiday has changed little. Lets look at it realistically. First of all it is a known fact that animal shelters will do an early and complete lockdown because animals are stolen, usually found sacrificed. The candy that our precious children collect will have to be closely investigated due to the tampering that goes on. Razors, poison and other evil goodies have been reported every year. How pitiful!! In some wooded area’s blood will be found from some unfortunate victim. It is a fact that it is a night of orgies. You would be surprised how seriously those who practice Satanism view this night. Come on folks let’s be real. Isn’t there enough death and darkness in the world today?

Aren’t our precious children seeing enough? Should those who are Christians be more protective of their loved ones? Shouldn’t we find an alternative? IF HAVE SAID IT MORE THEN ONCE, I WILL GLADLY SAY IT AGAIN, YOU DON’T SEE WITCHES SHOWING UP ON CHRISTMAS TO CELEBRATE THE BIRTH OF OUR WONDERFUL SAVIOR, SO WHY DO WE CELEBRATE THE NIGHT OF DEATH FOR THE GOD OF DEATH? Something to think about!


I've seen Carol in person and she's phenomenal. The people of this region do not take the devil, satanism and witchcraft seriously. Christians celebrate Halloween and skip church to do it-- to many it's their favorite or most fun. You can't get this video into my hands fast enough, in order to share the riveting truths. Thank you, Carol, for exposing the darkness and tactics of the enemy. May the Lord Crown you with his Radiant Glory as He renews your strength to wield the Sword as never before! GO and IMPACT this generation.

Kokomo, IN